Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Yay, Christmas is back

How is it even possible that this is still an issue? How it it possible that his was ever an issue? Have we really solved all of the real problems? I know, by mentioning it I'm perpetuating it, but again, I wouldn't speak if I didn't think I had a valid point. And it's this or nothing right now anyway. Hey. Jackasses! Stop using the 'war on Christmas' as an excuse to victimize your neocon bible thumpin' self-righteous sheeple. Can't you just go back to popping pain meds and molesting alter boys like the rest of your hypocritical brethren and stop telling us what to think?

I don't care if the word Christmas is outlawed, I'll use it with the same casual disregard for the Jewish, Muslim, or whatever. There is absolutely nothing that the media can do to make me change my whimsical, shameless, unconscious use of the word. They can't make me enunciate it differently. They can't make me scream it or whisper it. If someone takes offense, it ain't my problem. That's what it is to me, and that's all that matters. End of story. Sometimes I call fun bags knockers. Sometimes I call Dweezle a one-eyed trouser snake. I've even called the Penny a wicked, self-loathing poltergeist. If the meaning is misinterpreted, I'm not sorry. End of problem. Go fix your petty, shriveled pea-brained priorities and leave me alone. Learn to not care about the insignificant. When you do they've won. Oh, and Merry Mother F****** Christmas.


Barmy said...

lol. Merry F'ing Christmas indeed. I'm sorry to say that I contribute to this atrocity. I just created a greeting card that said, "we're dreaming of a green Christmas and Hanukahh and Kwanzaa." It was my idea to add the last 2 holidays. Ugg. I couldn't help myself. Can I blame society and the media? I sure hope so, because even I think it's a tad pathetic.

Mark said...

Ha, "green." That's right, a "white" holiday is off limits. These are not tears of joy. Perhaps in an ideal world the androgynous Dr. Winter, adorned with a crescent moon and Star of David, will invite the children to sit on her/his/its lap to ask which underrepresented ethnic or spiritual organization they would like to apologize to.