Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I absolutely hate to have to perpetuate this news, but I have something to say. And it isn't sensational.

Our newest young mass murderer is now officially famous. He is now quietly thanking the news media from his toasty spot in hell - the eighth circle I believe.

Hasn't anyone discovered the value of selective listening? Haven't we realized no good can come from plastering this guy all over TV and the Internet. The media are indiscriminately whoring themselves out as usual using the public's fascination with psychotic killers. This one even left a "thanks in advance" note, saying he wanted to "go out in style." Enough is enough.

Newsflash for the news. You just slaughtered the next person who happens to be in the vicinity of the next juvenile who decides to "go out in style" and get their giant psychotic face smacked on the front page of every news site. Yes, some people who have decided to kill themselves already consider themselves dead. Those without honor are sometimes ambitious enough to take advantage of their newfound fame incentive, especially if it means mowing down as many unsuspecting bystanders as possible. After all, no one hears about the guy who just hangs himself in his basement - no love for that...The least I can do is go to a crowded shopping mall and snatch my 15 minutes. People will be moved and inspired by that, it's poetry, I can be important - yes, some are inspired - and it isn't a good thing.

And don't tell me gun control has anything to do with this Mr. Moore. Some additional guns in the area could have saved many of those people. Anyway, there are plenty of other ways to engage in mass slaughter using equally creative and accessible techniques, which of course, I do not see the need to detail.

Now there's the rest of us. What is our responsibility? How about thinking about the victims and their families and forgetting about the insignificant wast of human tissue that did it. That person cannot be helped. How about thinking about the people we know who might snap? How about take that five minute news spot and call a buddy who's down?

We always hear pundits and radio hosts telling us how to live and what to think. How come they never encourage us to take a stand and help a friend through something like this? Probably turns out a massacre increases exposure for their sponsors.

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