Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dark Tide

Dark Tide

Water crashes into clay
Rinsing the mud and specks away
A gurgling, one-half serving poured
Darkness, this is my reward
My reward

Slowly creeping to the brim
To break the stream, a mortal sin
Nothing like my Kona blend
When will the dripping finally end
When will it end

When will the darkness finally spill over the side
A torrent crashing over, a great dark tide
Just grains of sugar left to mask the bitter taste
How much more is there to waste

Just an addict's little fix
A drop of cream to stir in the mix
Do you prefer a lighter hue
Do you take one lump or two
One or two

Water crashes into clay
Rinsing the mud and specks away
There was a time like this before
There was a time I needed more
Needed more

When will the darkness finally spill over the side
A torrent crashing over, a great dark tide
Just grains of sugar left to mask the bitter taste
How much more is there to waste

When will the darkness finally spill over the side
A torrent crashing over, a great dark tide
Just grains of sugar left to mask the bitter taste
How much more is there to waste

Monday, January 25, 2010

Skol Vikings

Little flags had sprouted from driver and passenger-side windows. A familiar blond Nordic gentleman with horns appeared everywhere; in offices, shops, and email signatures. Our towns smelled of purple, and every conversation was on the brink of a digression including the words "AP," or "stadium noise," or "pocket." We knew the curse. We didn't talk about it. We pretended it could happen this year, as if the Earth's rotation would suddenly stall and the sun would never rise. Inside, we knew we were living on borrowed time. Every moment remaining before kickoff became a treasure infinitely more valuable than the one before. We knew it was only a matter of time...

The narrative is ancient, or might as well be. Its tendrils creep into the soul of every fan. It begins for us like clockwork in the waning days of summer. In these days, when the first flake of snow is still an impossibility, its harmless and mystic appeal lures us. "It's only a game," we tell ourselves. "Maybe this year." Oh, the numbing sensation has not left our extremities, not since 98, or before. Perhaps back to the 70's. For some, those horrors have been shoveled over, buried deep within our psyche like our first unfortunate clown experience. We somehow approach each new season with blind enthusiasm, like lemmings, plunging to enjoy the cool water splash around us and the promise beyond. There is heartwarming charm in such simple naivety.

For a few games...

Then, in our frenzied dog-paddle, as our noses strike against the waves, we look back to find ourselves surrounded by water as far as the eye can see. Half-way through the season there is no turning back. Destiny has consumed us. It tells us to keep swimming. We do. We remain riveted to the goal despite knowing the pain we are sure to endure. Will it be a fumble on the 5 yard line, or 12 men in the huddle? What easily-avoidable fluke will do us in this time? We know our warriors will outperform their opponent in virtually every way, but in those crucial moments will they throw an interception, take a knee, or miss the shortest field goal? Only time will tell. It will remind us that justice is a myth, that there is no God, and that we are all floundering rodents about to drown in a vast oblivion. There is no escape. There is no relief. We turn away, but already know the result. We knew it before the first glimmer of hope existed. It could not be stopped. Any apathy is false and contrived. We asked for this. We were doomed from the beginning.

There is some twisted honor here as in this cold, desolate month we refuse to yield only to the elements. We demand more than perpetual darkness and sub-zero temperatures. We require more demoralization than the repeated blanketing of freezing rain, black ice, and high gas prices. We refuse to accept anything less than the complete crushing of our spirit. We ask to be bemired in an inescapable crevasse of hopelessness and despair with no possibility of escape. As Minnesotans, this is not only our challenge, but our identity. It makes us who we are, and drives us ever-further within–to engage with ourselves in that inevitable dialogue that insists to know the meaning of all this. Why go on? Why continue breathing? How can purpose exist in a universe of complete chaos and unpredictability.

But, it is not complete chaos, far from it. There is solace in one crucial thing: the consistent and inevitable crushing pain we can depend upon this time of year. When it seems like nothing else can be counted on–when it seems as if all is utterly random and whimsical–this tiny shred of consistency reminds us that there is some semblance of order to the cosmos. It is not a glimmer of hope, but a nail gun pounding our feet to the pavement, grounding us to a harsh reality. It is a defensive tackle smashing no. 4 onto the turf over, and over, and over again. And yet, we ascend, and ask for more. We do it not for hope, but for punishment. We do it because this is who we are, and this is what we do.

Next time I see the little purple flags on minivans–next time I see our horned gentleman through the corner of my eye for days at a time–I will remember the season of 2009. I will remember driving home from my buddy's house over frozen ice in our arctic wasteland along with so many others. I will feel the characteristic tingle of dejection shoot up my spine and rip through my extremities. But, more importantly, I will remember seeing "SCOL VIKINGS" written prominently on a whiteboard in the office the morning after that day of reckoning. I will remember what we've been through, what we have endured, and that we asked for more. I will remember that when the ground opens up and the Twin Cities are buried under a mile of molten rock, there will be one thing left: a tiny purple flag stuck into the black, scorched Earth fluttering in that unholy blistering breeze.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Inquiry into the Nature of Zigliwatz

Since my last discussion regarding the self-replication of zigliwatz, many have been curious to know more. Specifically, they want me to tell them how to take small numbers of zigliwatz and convert them to larger numbers of them. I am rather confused and horrified by this curiosity, as I already explained that no good can come from zigliwatz themselves. This exposes a total misunderstanding of the nature of zigliwatz. Zigliwatz are not tangible themselves, nor influential at all outside the sphere of our understanding/misunderstanding. While fame, profits, and power are usually seen in the proximity of zigliwatz, zigliwatz themselves are a unsavory side-effect of these things, not their source. This topic seems to cause more confusion than I formerly realized, and thus, I take it upon myself to set the record straight regarding the nature of this most deceptive entity. Certainly, the belief that zigliwatz themselves have any real value is a myth that can and should be cleanly and thoroughly dispatched before any more zigliwatzge appears. After all, the proportion of zigliwatz to non-zigliwatz can only be so high before the nature of zigliwatz becomes completely apparent. If the prevalence of zigliwatz becomes apparent too suddenly, the inevitable backlash against zigliwatz could be so severe as to be counterproductive. An unsustainable amount of zigliwatz could result, tipping the scales, emptying a inexhaustible torrent of zigliwatz over our society in a flood of confusion, misery, and death.

Considering this possibility, it is pehaps more important now than ever to expose the perilous ground upon which we tread. Zigliwatz never appear intentionally, but always as a result of some fissure or weakness in our efforts to suppress them. They are always located just beneath the surface. You might imagine we are walking on the caldera of Yellowstone National Park, which is actually an active supervolcano. Hot, sulfuric liquid heated by magma far beneath the Earth's crust is bubbling to the surface all the time. We amble inside this volcano, accompanied by Japanese tourists with expensive cameras, and enjoy the impressive sights and sounds. We proceed on footpaths above roiling, steaming hot springs. We breathe the stench of rotten eggs. We marvel at the clockwork regularity of Old Faithful as it shoots its lethal discharge high into the atmosphere. We hardly consider the possibility we are about to die a swift and horrific death in a bath of molten rock. After all, the last super eruption occurred 630,000 years ago.

An appropriate handling of zigliwatz somewhat resembles the venting of the Yellowstone Supervolcano. We simply cannot plug all the holes. If we did, pressure would build up and cause a deadly eruption. We can't drill down either, releasing a constant flow of magma that might swallow the countryside, converting the central United States into a dark, barren wasteland. No, we must accept a certain degree of zigliwatzge to maintain the delicate balance, so that many more generations of Japanese tourists can take pictures.

Of course, unlike steaming hot springs, zigliwatz are invisible. And, in a world rife with zigliwatz, we do not perceive them as something threatening, but quite the opposite. In fact, many things that we consider good are themselves almost entirely zigliwatz.

Disclaimer: The morpheus nature of zigliwatz means that any specific characterization will perhaps serve to mislead. The following example is quite crude I submit it for expedience, hoping the reader does not limit the definition of zigliwatz to the following example...

Also for expedience, I will use the abstraction of economics: A 6.5% sales tax is an example of zigliwatz. In order to understand why, I ask you to make some assumptions. First, assume that the tax is paid voluntarily and with adequate representation from the tax payers. Second, assume that all revenue from sales taxes is spent responsibly, and the product of the tax provides a benefit for all tax payers evenly. In other words, assume that the tax revenue is being handled by an omnipotent, shrewd, philanthropic, compassionate entrepreneur. The tax is still zigliwatz to the extent that .5 cents is a denomination that is not available in our currency system. On a $1 purchase, I do not pay 6.5 cents, but 7 cents. Why is this a good example of zigliwatz? Because, relabeling is used so that we may believe that our possessions/time/labor is not ours. We earned that whole penny with our labor and time, and not only half of it. And, albeit a very small amount, there is an assumption made that whatever portion of our lives from which that .5 cents derived is under another person's discretion. Namely, whoever decides how to handle the accumulation of extra one cent pieces that piles up behind a merchant's register, whether that be a person working publicly or privately. To be clear, zigliwatz is not negotiable or loosely defined. To remove zigliwatz from this situation would be rather simple. Either round the tax to the nearest penny (7%), or introduce a .5 cent piece so that tax payers can submit their fair share, no more or less.

Why is a definition of zigliwatz important? Because almost no one identifies zigliwatz for what it actually is. The customer assumes the tax rate is fair, and either that the extra .5 cents will be somehow returned through public work or that it is simply waste too insignificant to think about. They trust that this minor oversight/inconsistency is just a natural part of commerce and society. There is an assumption that .5 cents is no big deal. Well, if you have seen Office Space or Superman III, you know that an accumulation of .5 cents over many transactions adds up to millions, which is beside the point, but does indicate the inevitable consequences of zigliwatz.

The point is not that someone is quietly robbing people .5 cents at a time. Stealing itself is not zigliwatz. Zigliwatz is related to the conditions necessary for stealing to occur. Zigliwatz can perpetuate stealing and more zigliwatz. I don't want to give zigliwatz too bad a rap. Unintentional and unexploited zigliwatzge is a natural and unavoidable consequence of life. The problem is, when excessive zigliwatz appears, there is a temptation to employ zigliwatz for personal and often malevolent purposes. For example, while perhaps this tax was introduced innocently, (to pay for parade-ready, inflatable Spongebobs), the person on the sidelines (in the shadow of our giant, floating Spongebob) benefiting from millions in transactions of .5 cent payments does not want this policy to end. In fact, this person will likely spend effort, even millions, to ensure those who might renew the .5 cent increment are elected/appointed to power. This is getting closer to larger floating Spongebobs, and the true nature of zigliwatz.

Forgive my focus on economics. I only use this example to avoid the more inflammatory examples of zigliwatz easily accessible in government and religion. It is currently not very popular to attack zigliwatz in any redistributive economy, because, for our purposes, its fruits (this case, millions of dollars) are not only being paid to policy makers, but anyone who threatens system and is willing to be paid off in one way or another. This is nothing uncommon, and nothing outside the realm of everyone's experience. I have benefited from the existence of zigliwatz, and I have suffered from it. In fact, there is a possibility that a good portion of what success I have had related to economics has resulted from some manifestation of zigliwatz. But, economics is only a minor example, and really only hints at the true nature and prevalence of zigliwatz. I feel there is little that can be done overtly. The deflation of our floating Spongebob will not diminish zigliwatz.

I leave you with scarcely more information regarding zigliwatz than you may have had before. Zigliwatz are to be avoided at all costs. But, on a positive note, everything other than zigliwatz should be indulged in without restraint. This is very good news, as all truly good things exist despite zigliwatz, and this includes many, many things. Perhaps a discussion of things opposite zigliwatz will be another discussion. Although, in such a discussion, it is very easy for zigliwatz to creep in. I will do my best...

Monday, January 11, 2010


The efforts of modern society are primarily dedicated to zigliwatz. Yes, we have confirmed that all our action has the effect of reducing humanity to a utility most conducive to the advancement of this one thing. While this claim is self-evident and easily observable in all our experience, the vocabulary required to expose it has been transformed by those most interested in its suppression. If it were generally known that zigliwatz was the primary product of all our efforts, there would be outrage and humiliation. Yet, the prevalence of zigliwatz itself assures that its predominance will not be known. This suppression and transformation of vocabulary in the interest of eliminating all interference with the advancement of zigliwatz, over time, severely reduces exposure to the real nature of things. After all, it is quite ridiculous to presume any society could endure for long dedicated primarily to this end. Yet, we increasingly believe that zigliwatz is not a problem. This seems to me a natural cause and effect relationship that perpetuates into a cycle of ever-increasing deception and fallacy, benefiting those capable of the most pernicious and vile behavior imaginable in both the the interest of, in service for, and under the influence of zigliwats. But, of particular danger is behavior that is most unimaginable...

Some claim that only those with strong impulses and a weak conscience fall victim to zigliwatz. I think most agree that this hypothesis has been disproved by examples too numerous to mention, and perhaps sufficiently summed up by the following excerpt:
There is no natural connection between strong impulses and a weak conscience. The natural connection is the other way. To say that one person's desires and feelings are stronger and more various than those of another, is merely to say that he has more of the raw material of human nature, and is therefore capable, perhaps of more evil, but certainly of more good. -John Stuart Mill
Everyone is susceptible to zigliwatz, and to different degrees. But, it is not because men's desires are strong that they act under the influence of zigliwatz. It is often simply their failure to identify that zigliwatz is the motivation for their actions. Or, it is their belief that something other than zigliwatz will result. It isn't the degree to which someone acts for the sake of zigliwatz, but the fact they act for zigliwats at all. For we know nothing good can come from zigliwatz, but goodness can only occur incidental to the zigliwatzge. One might ask how something as seemingly absurd and trivial as zigliwatz could be both the cause and effect, method and product, vice and motive for so much. In fact, it is so prevalent that it may afflict all that has existed, all that currently exists, and possibly all that ever will exist. If one expends all of their allocated "raw material of human nature" to a cause as inhumane as zigliwatz, what is that raw material worth? Yet, there is a distinct possibility that this exchange is often made. Thus, let's attempt to remove those influences that so effectively disguise zigliwatz.

It is through the most usual exposure to perpetual propaganda we become indoctrinated into the popular fantasy of zigliwatz. There are many aspects to this very complicated and deceptive fantasy. At its most fundamental level, zigliwatz is a triumph of labeling. For example, hard work and ingenuity are valuable attributes. Few could be persuaded otherwise. Thus, the goal of those most interested in zigliwatz is to persuade others, often employees, customers, an electorate, or the population in general that hard work and ingenuity should be dedicated to zigliwats. Of course, zigliwatz is not compatible with actual hard work and ingenuity. In fact, zigliwats is a force opposing these two things in particular. Thus, there is a need for relabeling. They must not actually say they are dedicated entirely to zigliwats. Or, when the appeal to zigliwatz is entirely obvious, they must at least claim that zigliwatz is not the only result. There are usually two factors that make this easy...

1) People actually want zigliwatz even though they often pretend not to. They will pay for it in order to get more zigliwatz. They don't want to admit it's really zigliwats they want, even to themselves. So, when they acquire zigliwatz, they appreciate hearing that what they are acquiring is not, in fact, zigliwatz, but something different. It is curious that they essentially pay for the difference between reality and zigliwatz, even though zigliwatz is quite available for free in nature.

2) Zigliwatz itself is less costly than the alternative. Those who produce zigliwatz, or provide zigliwatz services, know that the perpetuation of zigliwatz is required to compete in the marketplace. Most enterprises with time and growth increase the proportion of zigliwatz accompanying their products until they are selling mostly zigliwatz. The most successful businesses have learned that the highest profits come from the sale of zigliwatz, and that ideally, with strong advertising, they can make huge profits by selling nothing but zigliwatz. This, of course, requires real effort in relabeling so opposed to zigliwatz that it seems almost self-defeating, especially because businesses themselves do not want to believe they are in the business of, much less entirely dedicated to, zigliwatz. But, it is, in fact, lucrative in its expansion of zigliwatz. It is easy to overlook the incredible potential of selling something that, again, is free and abundant in nature.

Thus, as far as zigliwatz is concerned, there is much reason for entrepreneurs to dedicate their lives to the acquisition of larger and larger sums of zigliwatz capacity, as this offers greater and greater potential for more zigliwatz. The more zigliwatzge acquired, the less interference there is from non-zigliwatz-related things. Then, eventually, one might have enough zigliwatz to evade all forces opposed to zigliwatz altogether. Eventually, there is virtually no hard work or ingenuity required for the acquisition of more zigliwatz. All that is required is the exchange of zigliwatz for more zigliwatz. And, this is essentially our current condition. Perhaps most people are unable to recognize this because they are unfamiliar with the complete definition of zigliwatz itself, which is a topic perhaps deserving of further exploration...

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Therapy

The unbelievable nature of our findings has compromised our efforts.

Even after the human genome project, cloning, and robust tissue regeneration. Even after trips to Mars and the Large Hadron Collider, they still do not believe. Is it ingrained in their DNA? Is it some innate, psychotic emotional safety mechanism that simply cannot be overcome? We don't know. But, the fact remains: Most people reject the longevity therapy altogether, and choose death instead.

We saw evidence of this mentality early in our research, even before an effective therapy was available. Oh no, it wasn't the immediate visible results they rejected, quite the contrary. As we engineered new tissues using extracellular matrices just about everyone was cheering us on. The media looked upon us favorably as we regrew fingers, bladders, and hearts. There were no complaints then.

Did they not see the implications?

Did they not realize what we were doing?

How does it work? It's conceptually very simple. The body is a machine, a very complicated machine, but a machine no less. This machine powers itself though metabolism, converting organic matter (i.e. food) to the energy we use every day. Our research has revealed exactly how our bodies do this. In order to administer the aging therapy we require you to understand some basic aspects of our research...

Look at nature in general, and humanity's interaction with it. The current global warming hysteria has emphasized the damage we are inflicting upon our environment. Let's put aside the controversy for a moment and consider what both sides agree upon: the creation of energy causes harmful pollution. All our efforts to produce clean energy in sufficient quantities have failed. Whether we harvest the sun's power by unlocking ancient stores of hydrocarbons available as coal or oil, or fuse atoms of uranium derived from supernovae billions of years ago, we are left with dangerous byproducts that pollute the air, land, and sea. We simply can't figure out how to avoid this. While acquiring sustainable energy has proven difficult for humans, the problem has been resolved by mother nature relatively well. The evidence for this is no further away than our own bodies.

The human generator is more sustainable than our most advanced energy technology. At an average temperature of 98.6, we are constantly maintaining a slow chemical burn. This is similar to a coal furnace or a nuclear power plant, but under conditions that are carefully controlled and regulated for incredible efficiency. Yet, even at this low temperature, our cells produce harmful byproducts that must be diluted and safely removed from the body. Incredibly efficient biological machines are working diligently in our cells to deal with these harmful byproducts, neutralizing them and delivering them to the bloodstream for elimination. The physical waste that results from our metabolism is harmless, and returned to the Earth in a condition ideally balanced with the environment. The resilience of the body's cleansing mechanisms are extraordinary, but not invincible.

Over time the toxins produced as a byproduct of metabolism cause minuscule amounts of cellular damage. Our bodies function perfectly well with this damage, and repair it efficiently. Metabolism carries on normally for years and decades during this process of energy creation, cleaning, and repairing. But, over an extended period of time, the damage begins to impair the cleaning and repair functions. Gummy substances begin to build up in our cells that hinder the perfectly efficient cleaning process we had as children. Even this is not an immediate cause for concern, as our cellular constitution is incredibly robust, and prepared to deal with massive assaults upon our bodies from these dangerous impurities. But, as we all know, in the race to repair our cells we eventually begin to fall behind. Finally, after many decades of cumulative damage, our organs finally fail to regenerate fast enough and we die. The point is, death is not the result of any pre-programmed age limit. It is not part of our genetic code. In fact, our DNA is specifically optimized to prevent aging, and does this with remarkable success for the duration of our lifetimes. But, the differentiated cells of our body simply cannot endure the assault forever, so we currently deal with this by delivering our genetic material to offspring who carry the torch of our genetic information into the future. Our abused bodies disintegrate back to the Earth. We recognized long ago this ugly tradition was arcane and rather unnecessary.

Now that you have a general idea of our physical condition, I will make one brief mention of our spiritual one...

If you are a God fearing man, you are not prohibited from the therapy, contrary to what you may have heard from the media. But, understand that the one true God created man, and gave him the intellectual power to destroy or heal himself. If you are Christian you know, through your knowledge of His son, which option we are instructed to choose. Your faith may indeed save you.

If you are not a spiritual man, you must respect the ancient, sacred truths that permit humanity to accept the healing of the body indefinitely. We are not healed so that we can endure an eternity of depraved concupiscence. One is better off in the grave. Read scripture in the context of today, when an aging cure has been discovered and rejected to properly comprehend the meaning of these sacred texts. Ignore all popular superstitions and free your damn mind.

The real scientific quest to end aging began over 150 years ago. Evolutionary biologist August Weismann, in his 1881 essay The Duration of Life begins by quoting the words of a former scientist Johannes Muller:
Organic bodies are perishable, while life maintains the appearance of immortality in the constant succession of similar individuals, but the individuals themselves are passing away.
He was referring to the fact that some of our cells, germ cells, are essentially immortal, and are not damaged even after the passage of thousands of years, but deliver their genetic content to multitudes of perishable beings/hosts over the course of that time. Somatic cells, which perform specialized functions in the body, are vulnerable to the environment. Our organs are made of somatic cells. The questions our researchers asked was: "How can we give somatic cells the durability of germ cells?" For that, we needed to investigate certain aspects relating to the origins of life.

It turns out our bodies were not always, in the course of our lifetimes, so vulnerable. In our first months we did not suffer any damage as a result of metabolism. In fact, at this point, our cells were regenerative. Much like a salamander can regrow its tail, it is well-known that human fetuses can regrow entire limbs in the womb. They do this using undifferentiated stem cells, which are essentially capable of growing any type of human tissue. This is basically how we manufacture bladders, fingers, heart valves, esophagus' and so forth. There is nothing new about this. We've done it for years.

First, we used our body's own regenerative abilities and our own stem cells to regrow organs. These were harvested in a laboratory, and used the patient's own DNA. They were exact replicas of the patient's lungs, heart, liver, or whatever organ was required. We would keep these organs in a storage facility, and they were available for transplant whenever required by the patient. This had obvious drawbacks, including surgery, so we found ways to regenerate and repair human tissue using stem cell therapy without removing the organs. Our efforts were so successful, we discovered only a small amount of therapy was required to stall aging altogether in healthy patients. Then, with somewhat more therapy, elderly patients could be regenerated entirely. As it happens, our own DNA is perfectly capable of extending our own lives indefinitely. All the body needs is a little gentle nudging from science to keep those cleaners working as well as they did in our youth.

We thought this news would be received by the public quite favorably. Unfortunately, it was not. The problem was not the technology. The technology was and is perfectly reliable. The problem is people...

It just so happens that many individuals had always expected to die around a certain age, and had no plans of delaying that experience for more than a few years. We didn't understand it. In our educational campaign, we explained that we use their own cells (not foreign embryonic stem cells) to enhance the body's own capabilities. They nonetheless accused us of 'playing God.' We explained the relatively low price of the therapy, and they said we were selling snake oil and taking advantage of people's hopes and fears. They accused us of quackery. We tried to explain that this was very, very good news for all mankind. They wouldn't accept it. They seemed to live by the mantra, "anything that sounds too good to be true, probably is." They were making the most unfortunate logical mistake imaginable. Their apathy was literally killing them.

We do have the capability to provide restorative therapies for the entire human population. All that is required is a relatively small reallocation of global resources to accommodate it. What are expensive clothes, electronics, or fancy food compared to longevity? It seems people would be right to give up all their luxuries for a longer, healthy life. We thought this campaign would be rather easy and that the shift in global effort would be inevitable. This was not so.

It became startlingly obvious that the global medical and industrial infrastructure depends on sickness and death. It was constructed for a world of the dying rather than one for the living. Our cure for aging, if believed, would completely destroy the current industrial world and replace it with a new one. But, our current world is less prepared for this change than we previously realized. The problem's tentacles reach into every aspect of the society, and into your everyday way of life. The enemies of life are everywhere!

Look at the most simple example. Look at the food you put into your body. It's not the food that accompanied human evolution. Or, if you believe we've only been around for 6,000 years, it's clearly not the food God provided for us. Yet, these synthetic food-like substances, like refined flour, hydrogenated oils, and other marvels of 20th century food-science are staples of the modern diet. They appear in every microwavable entree. They are evidenced by unpronounceable names listed on the label of canned soups, beverages, and everything you see in the grocery store. These are tools that the food industry uses to produce foods as cheaply as possible. They do have limits: 1) Their food must taste good, as the consumer would not accept a sacrifice in taste. 2) Their food must not have immediate health consequences, as consumers would reject food that, for example, causes cancer immediately. What's the problem? While these foods are perfectly harmless in small quantities (as I mentioned earlier, our metabolism is capable of astounding feats), over multiple decades this diet causes all of the massive health problems we have grown to accept as a natural course of aging. For example, cancer is a chronic metabolic disease, which means it is almost always the result of poor nutrition, usually over an extended period of time. But, let's take the most obvious example we can...

In the 1960s there was not an obesity epidemic. At that time, food manufacturers began using synthetic substances and refinement in earnest to boost efficiency. This improved corporate profits, but they saw additional potential. If they could shift the American diet to include more highly-economical foods, they could reap greater profits. What better way to do that than exploit American vanity? So, they essentially hired 'researchers' to publish studies that suggested the most expensive foods were fattening, such as those that included animal fats. Then, these 'researchers' published additional studies that suggested the cheapest foods were healthy and promoted weight loss. The food industry collaborated with mass media to aggressively publicize these 'findings.' American's eager to lose weight shifted their diets to foods high in carbohydrates and refined flour. Well, 'scientists' hired by the food corporations were more crafty than anyone realized. They knew that foods high in simple sugars caused a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. The subsequent crash in blood glucose would result in a feeling of hunger. Through the introduction of other chemicals, such as high fructose corn syrup, they were well on their way to turning food into an unnaturally addictive substance. Dieters, by turning to a low-fat diet, stifled their metabolism and became addicted to these cheep foods. After enduring the pain of an unnatural cycle of hunger and malnourishment from the absence of fat soluble vitamins, they would eventually cheat, and end up binging. This predictable scenario was exploited by food manufacturers with impunity for decades, and the evidence is apparent in the waistlines all around us. Then, they exploited American laziness in their creation of 'diet' foods that only exacerbate the problem.

But, waistlines are relatively insignificant compared to the systemic catastrophe. Weight is only the tip of the iceberg...

Rampant heart disease, low bone density, cancer, and virtually all other age-related medical problems are greatly exasperated by decades of a population ensnared by the American diet. Pharmaceutical companies are dependent on sustained American malnourishment, as it means huge sales of products like cholesterol lowering drugs. The medical-industrial complex reaps billions by those who find themselves afflicted by this lifestyle, and suddenly restrained to a hospital bed. This is simply part of our experience. I am not blaming corporations or consumers, as we act as both at the same time without any real knowledge of the consequences. I am only stating the facts. They are relevant, because they are perfectly transferable to the therapy we have developed, and its refusal.

It turns out humanity's whole economic infrastructure survives through this cycle of hurting and healing its consumers. Our treatment, if generally known, would obliterate the stock portfolios of billions of people. Whole hospitals would shut down and millions would be unemployed. We never thought about these things in the laboratory. It simply wasn't an issue. Whole factions of lobbyists and special interest groups have assembled to defame and discredit us. Businesses shovel money to bureaucrats to pass anti-longevity, 'pro-God' legislation. It just so happens most people are just dying to die. The same ignorance that caused them to fall into the dietary trap of hurting and healing is now causing them to deny the cure for all of this.

The true devil is in the action of well-meaning but ignorant activists behaving on behalf of their conscience.

The effectiveness of public persuasion is astounding, but it is mostly limited to what consumers decide to eat, drink, and purchase in general (and maybe vote for). Yet, there is a small, vocal minority of trusting, altruistic 'do-gooders' who can be counted upon to go one step further. These individuals are highly vulnerable to persuasion, and honestly believe the therapy is a great lie. Behind these chanting 'pro-God' activists lie the hopes, dreams, and profits of the rich elite. Behind this sincere front of protests, the moguls desire to enjoy an exclusive life-extending therapy themselves. They don't believe that sheep who can be persuaded to act against their own preservation deserve longevity.

These zealous activists are relentless. They pose as clients to gain access to our facilities, then sabotage our equipment and research. At first we suspected they were all radical religious fundamentalists, but later we learned that many were only saboteurs posing as radicals. They were actually well-paid stooges acting on behalf of insurance companies and government sponsored industries who were attacking our efforts in every way. They slandered and framed our best scientists, engaged in massive Internet campaigns to alter data on open-source encyclopedias, and even infiltrated our labs and planted data so that it appeared as though our reports were doctored. We never imagined that people could destroy the very science that would almost certainly improve their own lives and the lives of their families and friends. The deceptions and falsifications were perpetuated by propagandists with profits to lose or political campaigns to win. The lies were repeated on television and in the movies. Anyone willing to join the army against us "Longevity Quacks" was rewarded with fabulous wealth. We were marginalized to the brink of destruction. The very lives of us all were at stake. After the bombings began, we were absolutely forced to take the therapy underground.

We now know we cannot advertise. Our adversaries will find us. We must let our clients seek us. It sounds terrible, but was and is the only way. We must discriminate against the enemies of life; those who insist that our work is somehow false or unjustified. We do not discriminate in any other way. For scientists who can interpret the hard data, the choice is simple. They have all joined us already. For all those who do not comprehend the data, they have already abandoned themselves to faith of some kind. They have faith in either the persistent corporate/government propaganda, or they have faith in, well, that silent voice in their head that tells them something is not right. With the scientists of the Earth suppressed, that voice is the one tiny thread that can lead them to us. It is their only hope.

We privately sought the Vatican and other branches of the Christian church for aid and asylum. After all, they were the last institutions on Earth with any power separate from the global industrial complex. We discovered their separation was largely a facade, and we were immediately refused all forms of assistance. We knew their founding document, the Bible, included much theological justification to help us. We insisted they meet with us, appealing to the words of Christ, and were granted one short meeting. We desperately attempted to explain the science to the Pope, to cardinals, to ministers. But, there was no way to simplify it enough for them. Believing it was quackery, they universally rejected our proposals, and suggested we abandon the devil's work.

Who dedicated to the real and practical advancement of abundant life could be accused of contradicting Christianity? Who could have imagined the technology for eternal life would actually exist, but not the moral and spiritual sensibility?

[To be continued...]