Monday, January 11, 2010


The efforts of modern society are primarily dedicated to zigliwatz. Yes, we have confirmed that all our action has the effect of reducing humanity to a utility most conducive to the advancement of this one thing. While this claim is self-evident and easily observable in all our experience, the vocabulary required to expose it has been transformed by those most interested in its suppression. If it were generally known that zigliwatz was the primary product of all our efforts, there would be outrage and humiliation. Yet, the prevalence of zigliwatz itself assures that its predominance will not be known. This suppression and transformation of vocabulary in the interest of eliminating all interference with the advancement of zigliwatz, over time, severely reduces exposure to the real nature of things. After all, it is quite ridiculous to presume any society could endure for long dedicated primarily to this end. Yet, we increasingly believe that zigliwatz is not a problem. This seems to me a natural cause and effect relationship that perpetuates into a cycle of ever-increasing deception and fallacy, benefiting those capable of the most pernicious and vile behavior imaginable in both the the interest of, in service for, and under the influence of zigliwats. But, of particular danger is behavior that is most unimaginable...

Some claim that only those with strong impulses and a weak conscience fall victim to zigliwatz. I think most agree that this hypothesis has been disproved by examples too numerous to mention, and perhaps sufficiently summed up by the following excerpt:
There is no natural connection between strong impulses and a weak conscience. The natural connection is the other way. To say that one person's desires and feelings are stronger and more various than those of another, is merely to say that he has more of the raw material of human nature, and is therefore capable, perhaps of more evil, but certainly of more good. -John Stuart Mill
Everyone is susceptible to zigliwatz, and to different degrees. But, it is not because men's desires are strong that they act under the influence of zigliwatz. It is often simply their failure to identify that zigliwatz is the motivation for their actions. Or, it is their belief that something other than zigliwatz will result. It isn't the degree to which someone acts for the sake of zigliwatz, but the fact they act for zigliwats at all. For we know nothing good can come from zigliwatz, but goodness can only occur incidental to the zigliwatzge. One might ask how something as seemingly absurd and trivial as zigliwatz could be both the cause and effect, method and product, vice and motive for so much. In fact, it is so prevalent that it may afflict all that has existed, all that currently exists, and possibly all that ever will exist. If one expends all of their allocated "raw material of human nature" to a cause as inhumane as zigliwatz, what is that raw material worth? Yet, there is a distinct possibility that this exchange is often made. Thus, let's attempt to remove those influences that so effectively disguise zigliwatz.

It is through the most usual exposure to perpetual propaganda we become indoctrinated into the popular fantasy of zigliwatz. There are many aspects to this very complicated and deceptive fantasy. At its most fundamental level, zigliwatz is a triumph of labeling. For example, hard work and ingenuity are valuable attributes. Few could be persuaded otherwise. Thus, the goal of those most interested in zigliwatz is to persuade others, often employees, customers, an electorate, or the population in general that hard work and ingenuity should be dedicated to zigliwats. Of course, zigliwatz is not compatible with actual hard work and ingenuity. In fact, zigliwats is a force opposing these two things in particular. Thus, there is a need for relabeling. They must not actually say they are dedicated entirely to zigliwats. Or, when the appeal to zigliwatz is entirely obvious, they must at least claim that zigliwatz is not the only result. There are usually two factors that make this easy...

1) People actually want zigliwatz even though they often pretend not to. They will pay for it in order to get more zigliwatz. They don't want to admit it's really zigliwats they want, even to themselves. So, when they acquire zigliwatz, they appreciate hearing that what they are acquiring is not, in fact, zigliwatz, but something different. It is curious that they essentially pay for the difference between reality and zigliwatz, even though zigliwatz is quite available for free in nature.

2) Zigliwatz itself is less costly than the alternative. Those who produce zigliwatz, or provide zigliwatz services, know that the perpetuation of zigliwatz is required to compete in the marketplace. Most enterprises with time and growth increase the proportion of zigliwatz accompanying their products until they are selling mostly zigliwatz. The most successful businesses have learned that the highest profits come from the sale of zigliwatz, and that ideally, with strong advertising, they can make huge profits by selling nothing but zigliwatz. This, of course, requires real effort in relabeling so opposed to zigliwatz that it seems almost self-defeating, especially because businesses themselves do not want to believe they are in the business of, much less entirely dedicated to, zigliwatz. But, it is, in fact, lucrative in its expansion of zigliwatz. It is easy to overlook the incredible potential of selling something that, again, is free and abundant in nature.

Thus, as far as zigliwatz is concerned, there is much reason for entrepreneurs to dedicate their lives to the acquisition of larger and larger sums of zigliwatz capacity, as this offers greater and greater potential for more zigliwatz. The more zigliwatzge acquired, the less interference there is from non-zigliwatz-related things. Then, eventually, one might have enough zigliwatz to evade all forces opposed to zigliwatz altogether. Eventually, there is virtually no hard work or ingenuity required for the acquisition of more zigliwatz. All that is required is the exchange of zigliwatz for more zigliwatz. And, this is essentially our current condition. Perhaps most people are unable to recognize this because they are unfamiliar with the complete definition of zigliwatz itself, which is a topic perhaps deserving of further exploration...

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