Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Pledge

Writing is powerful. It forces one to acknowledge genuine thoughts that were previously deniable, and therefore somehow unworthy of action or any response. Ignorance is swept away though writing, and new truths emerge that sometimes confound the writer with unexpected consequences. Mandates. Some fanciful or whimsical suggestion, if reasonable enough, when written down pierces back like a mirror. A string of letters suddenly ask the writer why he fails to be the protagonist he admires. It unveils his profound weakness, lack of will, stupidity, silliness, and obscurity. He knows he is not who he should be...or who he ought to be. He fears the world less and writing more...

Yet, there are endless diversions that act as convincing objectives to distract one from the hard reality. Those mandates can be postponed, and intermediate actions justified as stepping stones to clear the way. These actions need not be entirely focused, but they must somehow resolve a contradiction revealed through ones writing. The action becomes part of the story, and maybe combs the hair on that horrendous figure in the mirror.

On Monday my cumulative writings entered the real world, in some respect, as a pledge. I decided my first meeting as chair of a senate district was an appropriate time to verbalize and publicly sign the following. Yes, these are political folks, but they are people too...

Pledge to Dissolve Social Security
Citizen's Reclamation Organization

I, Mark Johnson, age 32, recognize that the United States Federal Government is confiscating my personal property through the Social Security System, depriving me of income I would otherwise use to establish my own financial security. I recognize that while only 6.2% of my earnings are confiscated from my paycheck, the other 6.2% confiscated from my employer on my behalf would otherwise be included in my salary.* My Social Security obligation is, without doubt, 12.4% of my earnings. This 12.4% is not saved in a secure, personal account, but rather used to supplement the retirement income of current Social Security beneficiaries. As a Social Security participant, I understand that I am expected, at an age yet to be determined, to confiscate 12.4% of a young worker's earnings in the future, depriving them of income they need to establish their own financial security. My interpretation of this activity is theft, an activity to which I will not submit more than I am legally obligated. I recognize that due to events that occurred prior to my ability to consent, I am, in fact, legally obligated to submit to the compulsory confiscation of my property. But, I am not legally obligated to accept the plunder of young people's property in my old age, and promise not to do so more than absolutely necessary.

I hereby consent, through personal and employer contributions, to volunteer 12.4% of my personal lifelong earnings to meet my legal Social Security obligations.


On my honor, I pledge to return all Social Security proceeds beyond what is necessary to escape poverty to one or more workers who have also signed this pledge, up to the amount the worker would earn in absence of any Social Security confiscation. I understand that the details of this pledge, including my associated beneficiaries, will be open knowledge that is easily accessible to the public through either electronic or other means.


*Employers hire based on the net cost of an employee and do not care whether 6.2% goes to the employee and 93.8% goes to the government. This distribution could not matter to any employer, although the whole Social Security system depends on this deception.

After I read this, one person asked why we don't get politicians elected to dissolve Social Security. Apparently he seems to have forgotten that today's government is a ravenous beast that feeds on our every weakness, growing with every bite, enticing more and more individuals to use it to legally swallow the lives of others.

How was I to explain to him the complete futility of supporting any part of this beast? Once one becomes an arm of the beast, one does not claw at himself, but uses this new powerful arm to deprive others and feed himself–the beast grows larger in the process (even while claiming to shrink it). Those who resist the beast grow weak as it deprives them of property. They work harder and sacrifice more to accommodate it. At some point, it becomes less work to yield to the beast and hopeless to fight it. It is a self-perpetuating machine. When almost every individual has been swallowed by the beast, only the most inventive, creative, and productive will remain. At this point, monetary wealth will be the surest mark of deceit and greed, not skill or ability. Bureaucracy will be the only road to wealth, not merit. There will be no competition. A nice car or suit will be the surest evidence that one is an arm, foot, or mouth of the beast. Those few who resist to the end will be offered control of the beast. At that point, it will be slaughtered. I wish to slaughter the beast now, while there are still many of us available to destroy it. Or, maybe I'm mistaken, and no one will help me take it down. But, it will fall, it's just a question of whether it will be peaceful and orderly, or chaos. I choose quickly and peacefully...

Well, that's enough for now. Yikes, I've got deadlines to meet...

Friday, April 9, 2010

My Sub

I worked with Doctor Black,
he was a very kind and gentle man.
Yes, for a psychopath, indeed,
didn't know he went by,
know he went by
And are you sure that she is white.
She could have had a
must have had a

Well that was long ago.
Last week, it was a very busy time.
I spent it mostly out at sea.
What is is?
Is that such a crime?
Yes I was way out in the sea.
I'm out there all the,
out there all the time.

Yes, I took my sub out for a dive,
I have no alibi.
I borrowed one, one from this guy.
Why do I even,
why do I even, try?
I never had a reason why.
It makes me wanna.
It makes me wanna,

When I'm down ten thousand leagues
and all the squids and mollusks are clung to the side of the ballast tank,
I think about old Doctor Black,
for her I'd like to thank.

Yes, I took my sub out for a dive,
I have no alibi.
I borrowed one, one from this guy.
Why do I even,
why do I even, try?
I never had a reason why.
It makes me wanna.
It makes me wanna,