It is my playground, and I can post song lyrics one day and diatribes the next. I can write whatever the hell I want. Some bloggers attempt to cater to large swaths of readers, which I think is perfectly acceptable. Whoring for a general audience is quite familiar to me as well. In fact, it is an activity that constitutes virtually my entire existence.
This place is the exception.
This is a place where I take a different approach with regards to my audience. Specifically, I don't want idiots reading this stuff, and nothing discourages an idiot more than superficial inconsistency. So, while consistent in principle, I resist a formula in style or syntax. This is my modus operandi. If you think the passing use of a Latin term makes me pretentious, please stop reading. You are an idiot.
Anyway, I will now share with you my continuing individual effort to destroy the Republican Party and rebuild it so that it does less damage, and perhaps even so that it does some good.
I convened our local precinct last night, which includes 20 or so square blocks around my house. We met in a schoolroom with those little high-school desks. My duties included calling our caucus to order, electing precinct officers, taking a gubernatorial straw vote, and introducing resolutions to change the party platform. There were six of us in attendance.
I'm pleased to report that I was nominated for the office of Precinct Chair, accepted the nomination, and won the election. I am also a delegate, which means I will be representing our neighborhood in the county caucus this March. I hope to gain enough support to attend the following caucus for our Congressional District, and use what political power I have acquired to dissolve the plague of stupidity and laziness that has infected almost every longstanding Republican participant. Identifying and exposing the moral and intellectual contradictions at war inside the heads of most Republicans is like shooting gerbils in a barrel, and I'm just the one to do it. Here's why:
- I don't want a political office. I don't have any ambitions for government involvement at all, and don't fear political suicide in the slightest.
- I don't care if I'm hated by idiots.
- I know pretty much exactly what they are thinking. I was raised in a pseudo-Republican family.
- I don't care all that much. I can do this with almost complete impartiality and disinterest, by simply organizing and stating the brutal facts they don't want to hear.
- If I'm motivated by anything, it's a personal desire to be proven wrong.
We all know the phrase: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Thomas Jefferson's original draft called these rights "sacred and undeniable" (before Franklin's proposed edit). I believe Jefferson used the language "sacred and undeniable" for a reason, and here's that reason: what was self-evident to our founders was not evident to all at the time, and would certainly not be self-evident to all future Americans. Unfortunately, these truths are so far from evident in the minds of today's citizenry and governing officials, that I believe the words "sacred and undeniable" are far more appropriate for our times. I intend to make them less so, and demonstrate why they are undeniable.
Maybe I just like to be part of the narrative. Maybe I'm just a guy who saw what some historical figures were up to and wants to carry the torch for a while. The good news is, while I have their ideas, I have no reputation. It's a fun place to be, and a difficult one to depart with. (Ooh, a new computer just arrived. Back to work.)
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