Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I have Lyme disease. Lyme is fascinating. The bacteria, borrelia burgdorferi, is a spirochete, which means the little buggers are coiled, like a cork screw, and prefer to burrow through collagen and tissue for mobility. They are unique in that they share characteristics of both bacteria and a parasite. Like bacteria, they can alter their genetic code to survive various environments. Like a parasite, they migrate throughout the body and, over time, feast on human tissue for sustenance. They evade complete destruction by antibiotic using biofilm, which is like a cocoon surrounding the little rascals, who, when assaulted, tend to nap in their cozy shell until the siege is over, then resume their havoc. They further avoid attack by digging their way to some remote part of the body where blood flow is absent, like joints, or other safe havens, like brain. Oh yes, they drill their way through the blood brain barrier into the central nervous system to munch on brain matter, causing things like dementia, incoherence, memory loss and confusion. Fortunately for me, these symptoms would go unnoticed, even by myself, and do not concern me. But, there is a vicious, unbearable consequence that has rocked the core of my being...

To best my chances of recovery, there are significant changes required. A mere three-tiered antibiotic treatment mixed with a vile concoction of herbal tea consumed throughout the day (for 12 months) and a regimen of supplements is not enough. Nay, there is still more I can do to improve my long-term prognosis: dietary management. No dairy, grains, or sugar. Fine. Very well. I begin my life of bacon! Braunschweiger on beef jerky! But wait. Grains...sugar...aren't those

Oh yes, and in abundance, particularly considering alcohol, an ingredient in beer, is like a super sugar. Real doctors and the ones your insurance will pay for agree. Beer is out.

For 8 weeks.

The tick who bit me can burn in hell for this.

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